Thursday, December 26, 2013

I'm so tired X(

Posted by Unknown at 7:36 PM 0 comments
So like what i state at my previous post, "I don't have any idea what to post"
Okay from now on, i will post what did i do today :3
(btw gmt +7 :3)
Meh i sleep like 3 am today =~=
And i should wake up at 9, because i need to go to the church at 10 am lol
When i was asleep, i almost certain 100%, that my mom will wake me up.
So, then i sleep.
I awake at 9:13 am and see nobody at home -except my brothers, they're still asleep-
I'm still lazy that hour =~= so i keep playing my phone until 9:45 lol
Pretty close? XD
Then i rush to my bathroom and take a bath, quick.
And then, i realized : how will i reach to the church? I send a message to my mom, and she said that the driver is at home. Thank God.
I went downstair, and found my dad. Kay, i'm really surprised lol XD
We chatted a bit, about lunch later :3
Going to church, took 1 hour, and we (i and my dad) immediately went to mall (he wanted to buy some toothpaste, and i want to buy some comics lol) and go get lunch >w<
It was 11 am, and approximately 1 pm, we went home.
Immediately, i went back to my room, and read the comics, while doing request at osu! xD
My brother suddenly went into my room, and asked for permission. He is going to buy some cake for my father.
Tomorrow is my father's birthday \o\
But i kinda disagree, because there are already 3 birthday cakes and they only becomes a decoration orz
I immediately feeling angry with my brother. But i don't want to argue. They both agree, so okay. >3>
I'm not good with expressing my opinions :c
Blahblah and some like that. My mom came at about 6 pm, and i take a bath, and take a dinner. With my dad and my brothers.
And now, i'm playing osu! :3 want to join me?
I almost never celebrate Christmas _(:"3
My family even didn't place a Christmas tree haha
That's all for today huehue
Sorry for grammar, i'm not good at it >3<

Merry Christmas!

Posted by Unknown at 12:30 AM 0 comments
And now i'm feeling like i having a difficult time writing this
It's almost 1 year i'm not posting anything ;_;
These are the reasons :

1. Schools, assignment, exams
Yeaaaahhh school is really boring, but hey, i got 3rd place this semester lol XD
I'm so lucky *sigh*
Too many assignment. Butthurt. :c

2. Too many playing osu!
Yeah yeah this is the second reason. Second unreasonable reason. I know lol
Too many jobs there, and idk why am i attracted to osu! o3o
Unbelievable lol XD

3. Don't know what to post
Don't have too many idea on my mind, yeah
I'm not a good writer at all >_>
But from now on, i hope i have times to write anything at my mind lol
That's why random is the best *w*

Though i don't celebrate it (or maybe never :/)
But.. Why not? XD
Merry christmas for aall of you guys there
Hope you have a blessed Christmas, and happiest of course lol

That's all from me! >w<

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Introduction to Essential Japanese : Lesson 5 - 自己紹介 (Self Introduction)

Posted by Unknown at 4:46 PM 0 comments
Time to commence Lesson 5 of "Introduction to Essential Japanese"!
For the past 4 lessons, just to recap, we've went through all that's there in the building blocks of Japanese - Hiragana and Katakana.

But nothing's complete without knowing how to express it. You can't be just going "あ、あ、あ" like what a baby does every day, can you?

So let's start conversation proper - to learn, to understand and to use Japanese in everyday speech. *applause please*

In Japan, as you would probably know from anime, courtesy and politeness is crucial. Thus, the following lessons will be mainly conducted using 丁寧語 (ていねいご), or polite speech as what we call it in English.
With that set, what's the first thing you do when you meet someone for the first time? That's right, self-introduction, or at least, a "Hello".

Let me start with my introduction first.
初(はじ)めまして。私(わたし)はメロディー(Melody)です!どうぞよろしくお願(ねが)いします!Hajimemashite. Watashi wa Merodii desu! Douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
That's the simplest introduction you can ever have. Breaking it down bit by bit,
初(はじ)めまして --- Nice to meet you (for the first time)
私(わたし)はメロディー(Melody)です --- I am Melody. (Note that は is pronounced as wa (わ)when used as a particle)
どうぞよろしくお願(ねが)いします! --- Thank you very much/Please Take care of me! (For Chinese fans, this translates best to 请多多指教)

It's possible to substitute phrases from your introduction though,and you can sort-of mix-and-match some of these following phrases...

Saying Hi/Nice to meet you (Pick one):
こんにちは! - Good Afternoon / Hi
!初(はじ)めまして - Nice to meet you

More about yourself (pick any amount):
私(わたし)はメロディーです。 -- I am Melody.
Watashi wa Merodii desu
(Optional, if you have a long name): XXを呼(よ)んでもいいですよ! --- You can call me XX!
xx wo yondemo iidesu yo!
メロディーと申(もう)します。 -- My name is Melody (more polite)
Merodii to moushimasu.
今年(ことし)十八歳/才(じゅうはっさい)です。 -- I'm 18 this year. (Note: This is not my true age.)
kotoshi jyuuhassai desu.
日本からです。 --- I am from Japan (Note: Neither am I from Japan)
Nihon kara desu.
趣味(しゅみ)はアニメを見る、本を読むことです。 --- My interest is watching anime and reading books.
shumi wa anime wo miru, hon wo youmu koto desu.

Conclusion (pick one):
どうぞよろしく -- Please take care of me
douzo yoroshiku
More formal:(どうぞ)よろしくお願いします --- Note that adding どうぞ makes it even more formal and polite.
(Douzo) yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
Even more formal: どうぞよろしくお願いいたします (This is usually used in very formal, business occasions or in books, and rarely used in everyday life)
これからお世話(せわ)になります。--- I'll be in your care from now on/Please take care of me
kore kara osewa ni narimasu

That was a long post, but I hope everyone had got it! 

Here is a short clip of Ichinose Kotomi's introduction. Enjoy! ^^(Introduction starts at 11:14 and ends at 16:33)

Note : I'm sorry if there's any wrong words D:
I'm learning here, too! :)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Introduction to Essential Japanese - Lesson 4 : 濁音と半濁音 (Dakuon and handakuon)

Posted by Unknown at 5:46 PM 0 comments
And now it's time for Lesson 4 of "Introduction to Essential Japanese"
I'm sure many of you are starting to get bored by these hundred new caveman-like "drawings", so this will be the final lesson on Hiragana and Katakana.

The final lesson covers 濁音(だくおん)and 半濁音 (はんだくおん)
Probably you would have heard of it already - just that you don't realise it.
Let me give you the most widely known Japanese phrase - 頑張って(がんばって)(Ganbatte)
Besides the って that we've covered previously on Lesson 3 (促音), you will also see が and ば. Notice the 2 tiny line-like characters on the top right corner of the character? That is the 濁音 "symbol".
In essence, it changes the pronunciation of the consonant.
か (ka) becomes が (ga), は (ha) becomes ば (ba)
For more such characters, please refer to the attached image!
edit: the 半濁音 for katakana ha (pa) should be パ, sorry for the mistake. Thanks Eka Kurniawan !

Do note that ち (chi) becomes ぢ (di) like other characters that begin with "t", and even though づ (du) is pronounced similar to ず(zu), you will need to type "du" to get づ. Don't worry though, づ is less commonly used that ず.

Now that we've finished 濁音, you would probably get reminded of this small symbol ° that looks like a degree symbol. So what is this? You can call this a relative of the 濁音 or anything, but this is 半濁音 (はんだくおん), just that learning this is MUCH easier than 濁音. This is because 半濁音 is only applicable to one line (5 characters) - the は line.
and that's all for 半濁音.

Similar to 浊音, 濁音 is applicable to BOTH hiragana and katakana. (Good thing is that you won't need to learn anything new - just add 2 strokes / a circle and you're done :P )

Now that you've followed me thus far, here is a picture with some words containing 濁音 and 半濁音. Enjoy!

And here are 3 Code Geass wallpapers that sums up the past 4 lessons ^^

Finally, if you haven't saw it the last time, here is a very Moe video to recap your Hiragana and Katakana Kugimiya Rie)

Enjoy ^^

Friday, March 15, 2013

Introduction to Essential Japanese : Lesson 3 - Youon and soukon

Posted by Unknown at 8:02 PM 0 comments

Let's start lesson 3, shall we? ^^

There's one more thing in Hiragana and Katakana that I haven't covered... yet.
If you had noticed, you would see characters that appear smaller. No, not font size issues, please.
If you had noticed the line of Japanese at the start of this post, 始(はじ)めましょう (Shall we start)In the above word, you would see that ょ is written smaller than the others. This is what we call 拗音(ようおん).To pronounce this, you can try to read the two characters faster, then "remove" the first consonant of the second character. 

Normally, you would pronounce the word しよ like she-yo, as 2 distinct sounds.
To pronounce 拗音, the word しょ would sound like "show" -- notice the missing "y" sound.

To type 拗音 on your computer, just type the consonant parts of the first word together with the the second word.
For instance, to get しょ you type "sho" instead of "shi yo". To get ひょうか(氷菓) you type hyo u ka instead of hi yo u ka. To write Shana's name (シャナ), you type sha na instead of shi ya na

Do note that 拗音 is usable in both Hiragana and Katakana.
For names, you would often find 拗音 used extensively in Katakana Foreign names. 
Check out your name! ^^

There is also this special character, つ, that doesn't pronounce the same way when you write it smaller. This simply adds a very brief pause in pronunciation. Examples include ちょっと待て(ちょっとまって)which is pronounced like cho*to ma*te, with * representing a tiny 0.1-second pause.To type this onto the computer, you can simply repeat the consonant, like chotto matte.

Finally, as with always, the picture attached is the bonus to all who've followed me through this lesson!

Happy learning! ^^

Monday, March 4, 2013


Posted by Unknown at 12:19 PM 0 comments
Pada zaman sekarang ini, banyak sekali teknologi yang sudah berkembang, khususnya teknologi komunikasi dan informasi, atau yang sering disingkat sebagai TIK. Dengan adanya kemajuan teknologi, banyak sekali yang dapat diperoleh, salah satunya adalah game. Saat ini, game banyak digemari oleh anak anak sekolahan karena game mengasyikkan dan dapat dibilang juga merupakan hiburan bagi kita. Salah satu game yang mengasyikkan adalah osu!

osu! adalah rhythm game, di mana pemain bisa memainkan 4 mode, yaitu standard, taiko, ctb, dan mania.

Apa itu osu!? Kalian bisa menemukan bagaimana cara bermainnya di sini :)

Bagaimana cara bermain taiko? Click here
Bagaimana cara bermain catch the beat? Click here
Bagaimana cara bermain osu!mania? Gampang kok! Caranya hampir sama seperti o2jam :)

I want to play this too! ><

osu! display in game~


 Top 10 Indonesian osu! standard player

Top 10 Indonesian osu! catch the beat player

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Introduction to Essential Japanese : Lesson 2 - Katakana

Posted by Unknown at 8:19 PM 0 comments

Hi again~ XD
Now, it's time for Lesson 2!
Hope everyone has gotten a rough understanding of Hiragana that was taught last lesson...

After Hiragana, the next crucial building block of Japanese is none other than Katakana.Katakana would be much easier to use for most of you, since it "borrows" words from other languages such as English, French, and Chinese.
Referring to the image, the small numbers with arrows that you see indicate the stroke order (or how to "draw" the character")
It's pronunciation is exactly the same as Hiragana, and please note that wi and we are obsolete and not used in Japanese. The katakana wo (ヲ) is rarely used, as o (オ) has the same pronunciation as it, and オ is used way more often.

Just a recap....

Hiragana | Katakana (Romaji) --- pronunciation
あ|ア (a) --- ah (short and quick)
い|イ (i) --- e as in bee, but quicker
う|ウ (u) --- u as in blue (but quicker)
え|エ (e) --- air (shorter and quicker)
お|オ (o) --- o as in tore (but much quicker)
Characters in Japanese are pronounced much shorter than what you would have in English. :)
Referring to the image, you would see many other characters.
Each of them are just a consonant together with the above characters. This is pretty much similar to English, and you pronounce them similarly. 
Example: カ (ka)This is just the k sound with ア, so you pronounce it like "car", but shorter.

Finally, katakana has this dash-like "ー" symbol, which means an extension of the previous vowel.Example: ケーキ (Cake)Pronunciation: Ke-ki (you drag the e sound a little longer), so it sounds like "kAIRkey"

(In case anyone is wondering, vocabulary will come later)

Something nice for all of you who've followed me through...

Happy learning all~ :D

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Introduction to Essential Japanese : Lesson 1 - Hiragana

Posted by Unknown at 3:10 PM 0 comments
So.. Hi again~
Sorry for the very very long hiatus and inacvtive me u,u

I found an interesting topic for all of you xD
But remember, i found this and want to share it with you, so.. I don't own this..

Let's begin~ \o\


To make use of anything in the following lessons to come, the building blocks of Japanese are a must. As fellow otakus, I'm sure each and every one of you would have grasped at least a number of these "building blocks" -- Hiragana (ひらがな)

As for the pronunciation, it's quite different from what you would expect in English, so try not to use your phonics to memorise these...

Character (Romaji) --- pronunciation 
あ (a) --- ah (short and quick)
い (i) --- e as in bee, but quicker
う (u) --- u as in blue (but quicker)
え (e) --- air (shorter and quicker)
お (o) --- o as in tore (but much quicker)
If you had noticed, characters in Japanese are pronounced much shorter than what you would have in English.

Referring to the image, you would see many other characters.
Each of them are just a consonant together with the above characters, あ,い,う,え and お.
This is pretty much similar to English, and you pronounce them similarly. 
Example: か (ka)This is just the k sound + あ, so you pronounce it like "car", but shorter.

Some characters look similar, so be sure to distinguish them carefully!

And finally, as a reward to anyone who has followed me thus far, here is some moe-licious voice to start off your learning. starts at 0:24, and you'll be in for some treat at 0:45!
And for all fans running Android, you can download this software (for free) to learn Hiragana on the go with Kugimiya Rie.

Happy learning!

I'm so tired X(


So like what i state at my previous post, "I don't have any idea what to post"
Okay from now on, i will post what did i do today :3
(btw gmt +7 :3)
Meh i sleep like 3 am today =~=
And i should wake up at 9, because i need to go to the church at 10 am lol
When i was asleep, i almost certain 100%, that my mom will wake me up.
So, then i sleep.
I awake at 9:13 am and see nobody at home -except my brothers, they're still asleep-
I'm still lazy that hour =~= so i keep playing my phone until 9:45 lol
Pretty close? XD
Then i rush to my bathroom and take a bath, quick.
And then, i realized : how will i reach to the church? I send a message to my mom, and she said that the driver is at home. Thank God.
I went downstair, and found my dad. Kay, i'm really surprised lol XD
We chatted a bit, about lunch later :3
Going to church, took 1 hour, and we (i and my dad) immediately went to mall (he wanted to buy some toothpaste, and i want to buy some comics lol) and go get lunch >w<
It was 11 am, and approximately 1 pm, we went home.
Immediately, i went back to my room, and read the comics, while doing request at osu! xD
My brother suddenly went into my room, and asked for permission. He is going to buy some cake for my father.
Tomorrow is my father's birthday \o\
But i kinda disagree, because there are already 3 birthday cakes and they only becomes a decoration orz
I immediately feeling angry with my brother. But i don't want to argue. They both agree, so okay. >3>
I'm not good with expressing my opinions :c
Blahblah and some like that. My mom came at about 6 pm, and i take a bath, and take a dinner. With my dad and my brothers.
And now, i'm playing osu! :3 want to join me?
I almost never celebrate Christmas _(:"3
My family even didn't place a Christmas tree haha
That's all for today huehue
Sorry for grammar, i'm not good at it >3<

Merry Christmas!


And now i'm feeling like i having a difficult time writing this
It's almost 1 year i'm not posting anything ;_;
These are the reasons :

1. Schools, assignment, exams
Yeaaaahhh school is really boring, but hey, i got 3rd place this semester lol XD
I'm so lucky *sigh*
Too many assignment. Butthurt. :c

2. Too many playing osu!
Yeah yeah this is the second reason. Second unreasonable reason. I know lol
Too many jobs there, and idk why am i attracted to osu! o3o
Unbelievable lol XD

3. Don't know what to post
Don't have too many idea on my mind, yeah
I'm not a good writer at all >_>
But from now on, i hope i have times to write anything at my mind lol
That's why random is the best *w*

Though i don't celebrate it (or maybe never :/)
But.. Why not? XD
Merry christmas for aall of you guys there
Hope you have a blessed Christmas, and happiest of course lol

That's all from me! >w<

Introduction to Essential Japanese : Lesson 5 - 自己紹介 (Self Introduction)


Time to commence Lesson 5 of "Introduction to Essential Japanese"!
For the past 4 lessons, just to recap, we've went through all that's there in the building blocks of Japanese - Hiragana and Katakana.

But nothing's complete without knowing how to express it. You can't be just going "あ、あ、あ" like what a baby does every day, can you?

So let's start conversation proper - to learn, to understand and to use Japanese in everyday speech. *applause please*

In Japan, as you would probably know from anime, courtesy and politeness is crucial. Thus, the following lessons will be mainly conducted using 丁寧語 (ていねいご), or polite speech as what we call it in English.
With that set, what's the first thing you do when you meet someone for the first time? That's right, self-introduction, or at least, a "Hello".

Let me start with my introduction first.
初(はじ)めまして。私(わたし)はメロディー(Melody)です!どうぞよろしくお願(ねが)いします!Hajimemashite. Watashi wa Merodii desu! Douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
That's the simplest introduction you can ever have. Breaking it down bit by bit,
初(はじ)めまして --- Nice to meet you (for the first time)
私(わたし)はメロディー(Melody)です --- I am Melody. (Note that は is pronounced as wa (わ)when used as a particle)
どうぞよろしくお願(ねが)いします! --- Thank you very much/Please Take care of me! (For Chinese fans, this translates best to 请多多指教)

It's possible to substitute phrases from your introduction though,and you can sort-of mix-and-match some of these following phrases...

Saying Hi/Nice to meet you (Pick one):
こんにちは! - Good Afternoon / Hi
!初(はじ)めまして - Nice to meet you

More about yourself (pick any amount):
私(わたし)はメロディーです。 -- I am Melody.
Watashi wa Merodii desu
(Optional, if you have a long name): XXを呼(よ)んでもいいですよ! --- You can call me XX!
xx wo yondemo iidesu yo!
メロディーと申(もう)します。 -- My name is Melody (more polite)
Merodii to moushimasu.
今年(ことし)十八歳/才(じゅうはっさい)です。 -- I'm 18 this year. (Note: This is not my true age.)
kotoshi jyuuhassai desu.
日本からです。 --- I am from Japan (Note: Neither am I from Japan)
Nihon kara desu.
趣味(しゅみ)はアニメを見る、本を読むことです。 --- My interest is watching anime and reading books.
shumi wa anime wo miru, hon wo youmu koto desu.

Conclusion (pick one):
どうぞよろしく -- Please take care of me
douzo yoroshiku
More formal:(どうぞ)よろしくお願いします --- Note that adding どうぞ makes it even more formal and polite.
(Douzo) yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
Even more formal: どうぞよろしくお願いいたします (This is usually used in very formal, business occasions or in books, and rarely used in everyday life)
これからお世話(せわ)になります。--- I'll be in your care from now on/Please take care of me
kore kara osewa ni narimasu

That was a long post, but I hope everyone had got it! 

Here is a short clip of Ichinose Kotomi's introduction. Enjoy! ^^(Introduction starts at 11:14 and ends at 16:33)

Note : I'm sorry if there's any wrong words D:
I'm learning here, too! :)

Introduction to Essential Japanese - Lesson 4 : 濁音と半濁音 (Dakuon and handakuon)


And now it's time for Lesson 4 of "Introduction to Essential Japanese"
I'm sure many of you are starting to get bored by these hundred new caveman-like "drawings", so this will be the final lesson on Hiragana and Katakana.

The final lesson covers 濁音(だくおん)and 半濁音 (はんだくおん)
Probably you would have heard of it already - just that you don't realise it.
Let me give you the most widely known Japanese phrase - 頑張って(がんばって)(Ganbatte)
Besides the って that we've covered previously on Lesson 3 (促音), you will also see が and ば. Notice the 2 tiny line-like characters on the top right corner of the character? That is the 濁音 "symbol".
In essence, it changes the pronunciation of the consonant.
か (ka) becomes が (ga), は (ha) becomes ば (ba)
For more such characters, please refer to the attached image!
edit: the 半濁音 for katakana ha (pa) should be パ, sorry for the mistake. Thanks Eka Kurniawan !

Do note that ち (chi) becomes ぢ (di) like other characters that begin with "t", and even though づ (du) is pronounced similar to ず(zu), you will need to type "du" to get づ. Don't worry though, づ is less commonly used that ず.

Now that we've finished 濁音, you would probably get reminded of this small symbol ° that looks like a degree symbol. So what is this? You can call this a relative of the 濁音 or anything, but this is 半濁音 (はんだくおん), just that learning this is MUCH easier than 濁音. This is because 半濁音 is only applicable to one line (5 characters) - the は line.
and that's all for 半濁音.

Similar to 浊音, 濁音 is applicable to BOTH hiragana and katakana. (Good thing is that you won't need to learn anything new - just add 2 strokes / a circle and you're done :P )

Now that you've followed me thus far, here is a picture with some words containing 濁音 and 半濁音. Enjoy!

And here are 3 Code Geass wallpapers that sums up the past 4 lessons ^^

Finally, if you haven't saw it the last time, here is a very Moe video to recap your Hiragana and Katakana Kugimiya Rie)

Enjoy ^^

Introduction to Essential Japanese : Lesson 3 - Youon and soukon


Let's start lesson 3, shall we? ^^

There's one more thing in Hiragana and Katakana that I haven't covered... yet.
If you had noticed, you would see characters that appear smaller. No, not font size issues, please.
If you had noticed the line of Japanese at the start of this post, 始(はじ)めましょう (Shall we start)In the above word, you would see that ょ is written smaller than the others. This is what we call 拗音(ようおん).To pronounce this, you can try to read the two characters faster, then "remove" the first consonant of the second character. 

Normally, you would pronounce the word しよ like she-yo, as 2 distinct sounds.
To pronounce 拗音, the word しょ would sound like "show" -- notice the missing "y" sound.

To type 拗音 on your computer, just type the consonant parts of the first word together with the the second word.
For instance, to get しょ you type "sho" instead of "shi yo". To get ひょうか(氷菓) you type hyo u ka instead of hi yo u ka. To write Shana's name (シャナ), you type sha na instead of shi ya na

Do note that 拗音 is usable in both Hiragana and Katakana.
For names, you would often find 拗音 used extensively in Katakana Foreign names. 
Check out your name! ^^

There is also this special character, つ, that doesn't pronounce the same way when you write it smaller. This simply adds a very brief pause in pronunciation. Examples include ちょっと待て(ちょっとまって)which is pronounced like cho*to ma*te, with * representing a tiny 0.1-second pause.To type this onto the computer, you can simply repeat the consonant, like chotto matte.

Finally, as with always, the picture attached is the bonus to all who've followed me through this lesson!

Happy learning! ^^



Pada zaman sekarang ini, banyak sekali teknologi yang sudah berkembang, khususnya teknologi komunikasi dan informasi, atau yang sering disingkat sebagai TIK. Dengan adanya kemajuan teknologi, banyak sekali yang dapat diperoleh, salah satunya adalah game. Saat ini, game banyak digemari oleh anak anak sekolahan karena game mengasyikkan dan dapat dibilang juga merupakan hiburan bagi kita. Salah satu game yang mengasyikkan adalah osu!

osu! adalah rhythm game, di mana pemain bisa memainkan 4 mode, yaitu standard, taiko, ctb, dan mania.

Apa itu osu!? Kalian bisa menemukan bagaimana cara bermainnya di sini :)

Bagaimana cara bermain taiko? Click here
Bagaimana cara bermain catch the beat? Click here
Bagaimana cara bermain osu!mania? Gampang kok! Caranya hampir sama seperti o2jam :)

I want to play this too! ><

osu! display in game~


 Top 10 Indonesian osu! standard player

Top 10 Indonesian osu! catch the beat player

Introduction to Essential Japanese : Lesson 2 - Katakana


Hi again~ XD
Now, it's time for Lesson 2!
Hope everyone has gotten a rough understanding of Hiragana that was taught last lesson...

After Hiragana, the next crucial building block of Japanese is none other than Katakana.Katakana would be much easier to use for most of you, since it "borrows" words from other languages such as English, French, and Chinese.
Referring to the image, the small numbers with arrows that you see indicate the stroke order (or how to "draw" the character")
It's pronunciation is exactly the same as Hiragana, and please note that wi and we are obsolete and not used in Japanese. The katakana wo (ヲ) is rarely used, as o (オ) has the same pronunciation as it, and オ is used way more often.

Just a recap....

Hiragana | Katakana (Romaji) --- pronunciation
あ|ア (a) --- ah (short and quick)
い|イ (i) --- e as in bee, but quicker
う|ウ (u) --- u as in blue (but quicker)
え|エ (e) --- air (shorter and quicker)
お|オ (o) --- o as in tore (but much quicker)
Characters in Japanese are pronounced much shorter than what you would have in English. :)
Referring to the image, you would see many other characters.
Each of them are just a consonant together with the above characters. This is pretty much similar to English, and you pronounce them similarly. 
Example: カ (ka)This is just the k sound with ア, so you pronounce it like "car", but shorter.

Finally, katakana has this dash-like "ー" symbol, which means an extension of the previous vowel.Example: ケーキ (Cake)Pronunciation: Ke-ki (you drag the e sound a little longer), so it sounds like "kAIRkey"

(In case anyone is wondering, vocabulary will come later)

Something nice for all of you who've followed me through...

Happy learning all~ :D

Introduction to Essential Japanese : Lesson 1 - Hiragana


So.. Hi again~
Sorry for the very very long hiatus and inacvtive me u,u

I found an interesting topic for all of you xD
But remember, i found this and want to share it with you, so.. I don't own this..

Let's begin~ \o\


To make use of anything in the following lessons to come, the building blocks of Japanese are a must. As fellow otakus, I'm sure each and every one of you would have grasped at least a number of these "building blocks" -- Hiragana (ひらがな)

As for the pronunciation, it's quite different from what you would expect in English, so try not to use your phonics to memorise these...

Character (Romaji) --- pronunciation 
あ (a) --- ah (short and quick)
い (i) --- e as in bee, but quicker
う (u) --- u as in blue (but quicker)
え (e) --- air (shorter and quicker)
お (o) --- o as in tore (but much quicker)
If you had noticed, characters in Japanese are pronounced much shorter than what you would have in English.

Referring to the image, you would see many other characters.
Each of them are just a consonant together with the above characters, あ,い,う,え and お.
This is pretty much similar to English, and you pronounce them similarly. 
Example: か (ka)This is just the k sound + あ, so you pronounce it like "car", but shorter.

Some characters look similar, so be sure to distinguish them carefully!

And finally, as a reward to anyone who has followed me thus far, here is some moe-licious voice to start off your learning. starts at 0:24, and you'll be in for some treat at 0:45!
And for all fans running Android, you can download this software (for free) to learn Hiragana on the go with Kugimiya Rie.

Happy learning!


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