Saturday, February 9, 2013

Introduction to Essential Japanese : Lesson 1 - Hiragana

Posted by Unknown at 3:10 PM
So.. Hi again~
Sorry for the very very long hiatus and inacvtive me u,u

I found an interesting topic for all of you xD
But remember, i found this and want to share it with you, so.. I don't own this..

Let's begin~ \o\


To make use of anything in the following lessons to come, the building blocks of Japanese are a must. As fellow otakus, I'm sure each and every one of you would have grasped at least a number of these "building blocks" -- Hiragana (ひらがな)

As for the pronunciation, it's quite different from what you would expect in English, so try not to use your phonics to memorise these...

Character (Romaji) --- pronunciation 
あ (a) --- ah (short and quick)
い (i) --- e as in bee, but quicker
う (u) --- u as in blue (but quicker)
え (e) --- air (shorter and quicker)
お (o) --- o as in tore (but much quicker)
If you had noticed, characters in Japanese are pronounced much shorter than what you would have in English.

Referring to the image, you would see many other characters.
Each of them are just a consonant together with the above characters, あ,い,う,え and お.
This is pretty much similar to English, and you pronounce them similarly. 
Example: か (ka)This is just the k sound + あ, so you pronounce it like "car", but shorter.

Some characters look similar, so be sure to distinguish them carefully!

And finally, as a reward to anyone who has followed me thus far, here is some moe-licious voice to start off your learning. starts at 0:24, and you'll be in for some treat at 0:45!
And for all fans running Android, you can download this software (for free) to learn Hiragana on the go with Kugimiya Rie.

Happy learning!


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Introduction to Essential Japanese : Lesson 1 - Hiragana

So.. Hi again~
Sorry for the very very long hiatus and inacvtive me u,u

I found an interesting topic for all of you xD
But remember, i found this and want to share it with you, so.. I don't own this..

Let's begin~ \o\


To make use of anything in the following lessons to come, the building blocks of Japanese are a must. As fellow otakus, I'm sure each and every one of you would have grasped at least a number of these "building blocks" -- Hiragana (ひらがな)

As for the pronunciation, it's quite different from what you would expect in English, so try not to use your phonics to memorise these...

Character (Romaji) --- pronunciation 
あ (a) --- ah (short and quick)
い (i) --- e as in bee, but quicker
う (u) --- u as in blue (but quicker)
え (e) --- air (shorter and quicker)
お (o) --- o as in tore (but much quicker)
If you had noticed, characters in Japanese are pronounced much shorter than what you would have in English.

Referring to the image, you would see many other characters.
Each of them are just a consonant together with the above characters, あ,い,う,え and お.
This is pretty much similar to English, and you pronounce them similarly. 
Example: か (ka)This is just the k sound + あ, so you pronounce it like "car", but shorter.

Some characters look similar, so be sure to distinguish them carefully!

And finally, as a reward to anyone who has followed me thus far, here is some moe-licious voice to start off your learning. starts at 0:24, and you'll be in for some treat at 0:45!
And for all fans running Android, you can download this software (for free) to learn Hiragana on the go with Kugimiya Rie.

Happy learning!


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